Hi there

I'm Shreya Koley

Coder Front-End-Developer Coffee Drinker Artist Photographer

About Me

I'm a 3rd year student at B.P. Poddar Institute Of Management And Technology, studying Computer Science Engineering. Ever since I was a kid, I've wanted to work in the field of Technology. I absolutely love coding, C++ was my love at first sight, really wanna know more about Technology. Currently suffering from OCD (Obsessive Coffee Disorder) and I enjoy sketching!

Contact Me!


Here are some skills of mine

Data Structures

Love to analyse and implement Data Structures .Try to break the problems down into simpler steps.

Web Development

I want to make great websites! Can't think of my life without making websites.


Maths is like an oxygen for me. Apart from coding, I can spent hours solving mathematical questions.

Things I've done

Here are a few cool things about me

2007-2019 (My school life)

Class X - 2017
Class XII - 2019


Studying CSE at B.P. Poddar Institute Of Management And Technology. Started working as an intern at Coding Ninjas

From April 2020 to July 2020

Learnt popular lanuages like C,C++ and python also earned the Gold badge for C on Hackerrank. By the end of July, I could Analyse and Implement Data Structure using C and C++

July 2020

Top performer for successfully completing the course on Android App Development using Kotlin with 98% score on final assessment.

September 2020

Top performer for successfully completing the course on Data Structures in C++
Starting making websites using HTML, CSS and JS (Font-End-developer) also earned the Gold badge for JS on Hackerrank.

December 2020

Completed my 1st internship at Coding Ninjas, had an experience with common Machine Learning Algorithms like Regression, Classification and Ensemble models, later worked as a TA on "Machine Learning Course". At the end of December, I got another internship as a TA on "Basics of Data Structures and Algorithms in C++"

From April 2021 to Present

Completed my 2nd internship as a TA. Currently learning the backend part for quite some time now. Earned my 6th ⭐️on Hackerrank


Graduated from High School

Gave AISSCE in March 2019 with PCM and Computer Science as my subjects.

Pursuing my B.Tech degree

B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering


C, C++, Python (Data-Structures)

HTML, CSS, JS (Front-End-Developer)

Kotlin (App Development)


Data Structures using C and C++

Kotlin - App Development

HTML, CSS and JS - Front end Development

Works and Projects

In pursuit of becoming a Computer Science Engineer

2019 to Present

Forkify (Discover Recipes)

Explore recipes and satisfy your hunger (using HTML, CSS and JS)

Natours (Full Stack Project)

Done with the frontend part. Currently doing the backend part

Made a Bookhub App

Library kinda app (using Kotlin)

Teaching Assistant

Worked as a TA at Coding Ninjas on "Machine learnng course" and "Basics of Data Structures and Algorithms in C++"